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Address:  318 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario L7E 4Z8, Canada

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PDO Thread Lift

Elevate your beauty naturally with PDO Threads at D'BestU Cosmetics. Our expertly administered, non-surgical lifts rejuvenate and tighten skin, restoring youthful contours and promoting collagen production for long-lasting radiance without the need for invasive procedures.

a woman with curly hair is smiling and touching her face .
a woman is getting a botox injection in her face .

1 hr |From $450 per area

Understanding PDO Threads

1 hr |From $450 per area

PDO (Polydioxanone) thread lifts are a revolutionary, non-surgical approach to skin rejuvenation that offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelifts. By inserting biodegradable threads into targeted areas of the skin, this innovative procedure provides an immediate lifting effect, while also promoting natural collagen production over time. This dual-action mechanism not only elevates sagging skin but also enhances skin texture and elasticity, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance. The benefits of PDO threads extend beyond their immediate lifting effect; they serve as a catalyst for the body's natural healing process, fostering a healthier, firmer skin foundation from within.

a woman with a towel wrapped around her head is looking at her lips .
a woman is getting a botox injection in her face .

Benefits of Our PDO Threads

Minimal Downtime

PDO Threads treatments at D'BestU Cosmetics offer significant aesthetic improvements with minimal downtime. Clients can resume their daily routines almost immediately, making it an ideal solution for those seeking effective, yet non-disruptive cosmetic enhancements.

Natural-Looking Results

PDO Threads provide a subtle, yet noticeable lift, avoiding the "overdone" look associated with some cosmetic procedures. At D'BestU Cosmetics, we specialize in creating results that enhance your natural beauty, ensuring that your rejuvenated appearance is as authentic as it is beautiful.

Long-Lasting Effects

PDO Threads have the ability to stimulate collagen production over time. This not only improves the skin's texture and elasticity but also contributes to a longer-lasting youthful appearance. This provides you with not just immediate lifting effects but also a foundation for enduring skin health.

Custom PDO Thread Lifts at D'BestU

At D'BestU Cosmetics, our PDO Threads services encompass a variety of thread types including mono, cog, and screw, each serving a unique purpose in skin rejuvenation and structural lift. Mono threads are perfect for stimulating collagen production, cog threads are designed for a more pronounced lift and repositioning of the skin, and screw threads help add volume in sunken areas.

We target various facial and body areas such as the jawline, cheeks, neck, abdomen, and arms to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation. Every client receives a customized treatment plan, meticulously designed after a thorough evaluation of their facial structure and skin condition. This personalized strategy ensures that each individual achieves optimal results, aligning with their aesthetic goals while enhancing their natural beauty.

a woman is getting a botox injection in her face .
woman with healthy skin

Our PDO Threads Process

The journey to rejuvenation with PDO threads at D'BestU Cosmetics begins with an in-depth consultation, where our experts assess your skin's condition and discuss your aesthetic goals. During the procedure, clients can expect a meticulous approach starting with the application of a local anesthetic to ensure comfort. The chosen PDO threads are then gently inserted into the skin using fine needles, targeting specific areas for lift and collagen stimulation. The entire process is swift, typically completed within an hour, allowing for a return to daily activities with minimal downtime.

Post-treatment, some mild swelling or bruising may occur but generally subsides quickly. We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery and enhance the treatment's effectiveness. Adhering to these guidelines, such as avoiding strenuous exercise and direct sunlight, ensures the longevity of your refreshed and lifted appearance.


At D'BestU Cosmetics, we understand the importance of feeling fully informed and comfortable before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about our PDO Threads services, providing you with deeper insights and peace of mind.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How long do the results of PDO Threads last?

    The longevity of the results from PDO Threads is one of the many reasons our clients choose this treatment. Typically, the immediate lifting effects are visible for about 6 to 12 months. However, the profound benefit of PDO Threads lies in their ability to stimulate collagen production, which continues to rejuvenate and strengthen the skin even after the threads have dissolved (usually within 6 to 8 months). Several factors can influence how long the results last, including the individual’s age, skin quality, lifestyle, and how well they follow post-treatment care instructions. Following a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking, and maintaining a skincare routine can extend the benefits. At D'BestU Cosmetics, we also offer personalized advice on follow-up treatments to sustain and enhance the youthful appearance achieved with PDO Threads.

  • Is the PDO Threads procedure painful?

    Understanding client concerns about discomfort, D'BestU Cosmetics prioritizes making the PDO Threads procedure as pain-free as possible. The process begins with the application of a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area, significantly reducing any potential discomfort during the insertion of the threads. While sensations vary among individuals, most of our clients describe feeling only a mild tugging or minimal discomfort. Following the procedure, it's normal to experience slight swelling or tenderness, but these symptoms typically diminish within a few days. Our team provides comprehensive aftercare instructions to manage any post-procedure sensations and is always available to answer any questions or concerns to ensure your recovery is smooth and comfortable.

  • Who is an ideal candidate for PDO Threads?

    PDO Threads are an excellent choice for individuals seeking a non-surgical approach to achieve a more lifted, firm, and youthful complexion. Ideal candidates are those looking to address signs of mild to moderate skin laxity without undergoing invasive surgery. Factors like overall health, skin condition, and specific aesthetic goals play a significant role in determining if PDO Threads are suitable. During your comprehensive consultation at D'BestU Cosmetics, our experienced practitioners conduct a thorough evaluation of your skin and discuss your desired outcomes. This personalized assessment ensures that PDO Threads are recommended only if they align with your needs and can achieve your aesthetic objectives effectively. Our commitment is to provide honest, expert advice, ensuring that every treatment plan is tailored to deliver the best possible results for our clients.

  • Where is D'BestU Located?

    Located at 318 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 4Z8, CA, D'BestU Cosmetics welcomes clients for PDO Threads from Bolton, Caledon, Nobleton, Caledon East, Coleraine, Kleinburg, Vaughan, Brampton, Woodbridge, Concord, Woodhill, and surrounding areas. Our skilled team ensures personalized care for effective and beautiful results.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Elevate Your Beauty with PDO Threads: Schedule Today

Unlock the secret to a more youthful, lifted appearance without the need for invasive surgery. At D'BestU Cosmetics, our PDO Threads service offers a revolutionary way to rejuvenate your skin, providing immediate lifting effects and stimulating collagen production for long-lasting results. Whether you're looking to redefine your facial contours or revitalize your overall complexion, our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way. Situated at 318 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 4Z8, CA. We are proud to extend our exceptional services to clients from various locations including Bolton, Caledon, Nobleton, Caledon East, Coleraine, Kleinburg, Vaughan, Brampton, Woodbridge, Concord, Woodhill, and the nearby areas.

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