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Address:  318 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario L7E 4Z8, Canada

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Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections

Discover a sleeker you with D'BestU Cosmetics' Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections. Utilizing advanced formulations, our treatments target and dissolve stubborn fat cells, offering a non-surgical solution to sculpt and refine your physique with lasting results.

a woman with a towel wrapped around her head is looking at her face .
a woman is getting a botox injection in her face .

Understanding Fat-Dissolving Injections

Starting at $349.00

Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections, specifically PCDC treatments, operate by utilizing a blend of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate—components naturally found in the body—to target and break down fat cells. Once injected into the designated area, such as the common concern of double chin, these substances work to liquefy and eliminate fat cells, which are then naturally expelled by the body. This process not only offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional liposuction but is also backed by scientific research affirming its safety and effectiveness. The precision of this treatment allows for targeted sculpting and fat reduction, making it a versatile solution for various areas beyond the submental zone.

a woman in a white robe is smiling with her hands on her face .
a person is getting an injection in their stomach .

Benefits of Our Fat-Dissolving Injections

Minimally Invasive

Unlike surgical alternatives, Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections at D'BestU Cosmetics offer a minimally invasive solution to fat reduction. This means clients can return to their daily activities shortly after treatment, without the prolonged recovery time associated with surgery.

Targeted Fat Reduction

Our treatments allow for precise targeting of stubborn fat areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. Whether it's the chin, abdomen, or thighs, Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections can sculpt and contour these specific areas, providing tailored results that meet your body goals.

Long-Lasting Results

The results from Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections are enduring. Once the fat cells are dissolved and expelled by the body, they cannot regenerate. With a healthy lifestyle, clients can enjoy their slimmer, contoured physique for years to come.

How Our PCDC Treatments Work

Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections at D'BestU Cosmetics harness the power of naturally occurring substances to offer a revolutionary approach to fat reduction. Our clinic provides two distinct treatments: PCDC Permanent Fat Dissolving and PCDC Lipolysis. Both utilize a blend of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate, components that are naturally found in the body and known for their ability to dissolve fat cells. When injected into targeted areas, these substances work synergistically to break down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. This process offers a non-surgical alternative to liposuction, enabling precise sculpting and contouring of the body without the need for downtime.

a woman is getting an injection in her leg .
a woman is smiling with her eyes closed and touching her face .

What to Expect During Treatment

Embarking on your journey with Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections at D'BestU Cosmetics begins with a personalized consultation to discuss your aesthetic goals and evaluate if this treatment is right for you. During the treatment phase, our skilled professionals administer the injections precisely in the targeted areas, ensuring comfort and effectiveness. The process is swift, allowing for minimal disruption to your daily routine. Visible results can be anticipated within weeks, improving gradually as the body naturally processes and eliminates the dissolved fat cells. Post-treatment, we provide comprehensive aftercare advice to optimize healing and maintain the stunning results. This includes hydration, nutrition tips, and recommended activities to enhance the sculpting effects.


Embarking on a journey towards a more sculpted and confident self is an exciting prospect. At D'BestU Cosmetics, we understand that our clients come with questions about our innovative Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions, ensuring you have all the information you need.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How long does it take to see results?

    The timeline for seeing results can vary based on the individual's body response and the area treated. Typically, clients begin to notice improvements within 4 to 6 weeks post-treatment as the body naturally processes and eliminates the dissolved fat cells. Optimal results are often observed after 2 to 3 months, allowing for the full effect of the fat dissolution and removal process to manifest. It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle during this period, as it can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and contribute to more pronounced results. Patience is key; the body needs time to adjust and expel the fat cells, leading to a gradual but noticeable change.

  • Are Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections safe?

    Safety is a paramount concern at D'BestU Cosmetics. Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections are considered safe when administered by our qualified and experienced professionals. The active ingredients used in the injections—phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate—are naturally occurring substances in the body, known for their ability to safely dissolve fat cells. Before undergoing treatment, each client receives a thorough consultation to assess suitability and minimize any risks. Side effects are generally mild and may include temporary swelling, bruising, or discomfort at the injection site. We adhere to stringent safety protocols and use the latest techniques to ensure your treatment is both effective and safe.

  • Is there anyone who should not receive this treatment?

    While Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections offer a fantastic opportunity for many seeking fat reduction, they're not suitable for everyone. Individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of severe allergies, particularly to the ingredients in the injection solution, should avoid this treatment. Additionally, those with active infections or certain medical conditions affecting the immune system may not be ideal candidates. During the initial consultation, our team conducts a comprehensive review of your medical history and discusses any potential contraindications to ensure the treatment is appropriate for you. It's crucial to provide accurate health information to ensure the safety and success of your fat-dissolving journey.

  • How do I get to D'BestU for Fat-Dissolving Injections?

    Located at 318 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario, L7E 4Z8, CA, D'BestU Cosmetics serves clients seeking Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections from Bolton, Caledon, Nobleton, Caledon East, Coleraine, Kleinburg, Vaughan, Brampton, Woodbridge, Concord, Woodhill, and nearby areas. Begin your journey towards a sculpted silhouette with us.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Reserve Your Spot for a Slimmer Tomorrow!

Ready to redefine your contours and embrace a more confident you? Booking your appointment for Permanent Fat-Dissolving Injections at D'BestU Cosmetics, located in the heart of Bolton at 318 Queen Street South, Ontario, L7E 4Z8, CA, is your first step towards achieving the body you've always desired. Serving clients from Bolton, Caledon, Nobleton, Caledon East, Coleraine, Kleinburg, Vaughan, Brampton, Woodbridge, Concord, Woodhill, and surrounding areas, our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized, effective treatments tailored to your unique needs. Don't let stubborn fat hold you back any longer.

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